The acronym MAPLESS sums up the effect of child sexual abuse on boys. MAPLESS is not gender specific and can work across all genders for...
Together we can shatter the silence concerning the sexual abuse of young boys
The sexual abuse of children causes ongoing trauma and distress throughout their lives. For boys it can cause sexual identity issues...

The flyers about the 17 Percent of Men and its purpose have been sent out to all the GP surgeries in Herefordshire. Our aim is simply to...
We Can Break Our Silence
Men are not good at opening up about most things. We feel safer in our own little walled fortresses. Our feelings can often be cauterised...
‘The 17 Percent of Men’: a new organisation for Herefordshire
Herefordshire is a beautiful, rural county that for some feels idyllic. Consequently, it is not always easy for sexual abuse perpetrated...