In this time of pandemic and lockdown, it takes an extra toll on those of us who were sexually abused as boys.
Why? Simply because as boys we spent our lives in lockdown because of the oppressive sexual abuse we endured. There was no escape then, and now those chords of distress and abuse echo in our bodies because we are locked down again. Once again, choices are taken from us and the current restrictions can make us mentally low and fragile.
Not being able to meet together is tough on survivors of sexual violence. There is still the need to reach out to each another and to be together to talk face-to-face about how our childhood experiences still continue to impact on us, particularly in this time of COVID-19.
If during this period your mental health declines, then a mental health helpline is available now. On April 1st 2020 Herefordshire and Worcestershire Mental Health Services were merged.
The number to ring is 01905 681915.
Until we are able to meet safely again - stay safe, stay well and stay strong.